Thursday, September 25, 2008

Go West, Older than Young, but Younger than Old Man!

Just a quick note to say how much I miss living in Alberta. I returned today from a business trip to Calgary, and I hadn't been back since leaving Lake Louise in '93. When I saw the mountains again in the distance, the sprawling city of Calgary, the rolling foothills, the miles and miles of farmland, my heart it did ache. I felt compelled to just rent a car and drive towards the snow-covered peaks.

Of course, that didn't happen. I did get to spend an evening with one of my dearest friends and his excellent family, I toured the Stampeders locker room, went out on field level and got my picture taken in the end-zone at McMahon Stadium, took the LRT "C" train for the first time, attending a meeting of very dedicated people, and toured a donor clinic (a blog entry that deserves it's own spot at a later date).

The only thing that would have made my very short trip better would have been to share my experience with my wife and kids, but I guess that's the difference between a business trip and a holiday.


Lisa said...

I so miss the mountains. If I can get my ass on a plane again that would definitely be a priority destination!

Gill said...

Well, I'm glad you left there quite frankly.

The fact that you did led to you me. You and Lisa are my friends for life now because you left there!

Thank God you left there!!!!
Now take me back with you. I'd love to see it.
xoxo! Two family trucksters...whaddya say??? Road trip!