Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Butter on sale? Must be Election Day!

Oct. 14, the day after the Thanksgiving long weekend, a short work week, and a fab month so far. So who's brilliant idea was it to call for a national election????

This is not a political blog by any stretch, but I feel it's important to say:
Vote - I will go to the ends of the earth to exercise my right to vote. I can bitch about the weather but I can't control what falls from the sky.

I can bitch about politics from time to time because I believe my vote counts. My grandfathers and their fathers and everyone who has served in the military either as a combatant or peacekeeper has helped to preserve our basic right and freedom to mark an X beside a person's name. If you think your vote doesn't count, then move to a country where you're not given that option. And vote swapping??? Don't get me started on the most ridiculous idea since the glowing FOX hockey puck!

Don't think that your one vote ends up here,

because your opinion counts, you've just proved why Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world, and you now can bitch as loudly as you want and no one has a right to tell you you're wrong!

As my wife says, it's a good day when you vote and butter's on sale.


Lisa said...

Ahhhh, yes...it was a very good day. Now if only we can get that babysitter ;-)

Gill said...

VOTE is a four letter word. But I did it anyways, which I always do.
But dammit, why would Harper call an election to waste $300 million of taxpayers money only to enjoy a minority victory? Explain to me please. We are no further ahead here.
Apparently, and you've likely heard this, but, LOWEST TURNOUT IN CANADIAN VOTING HISTORY.
Don't people want change? Or are they too wrapped up in watching the American election race to care about what's going on in their own country dammit?
And I'm still laughing at Lisa's "Shove it up your arse, barista girl!!!"
That made my week.

Gill said...

I looked for you on my sidebar and got the shock of my life.
You aren't on there!!! Where did you go?
So I'm adding you immediately. Please forgive, oh shower capped one.

Unknown said...

that's ok G, I know you didn't mean it :)