Wednesday, August 20, 2014

RIP Ed McNally, a true Canadian craft beer pioneer

Big Rock's founder, Ed McNally, died at the age of 89.

Back in 1991, my then girlfriend-now-wife and I moved from Ottawa to Lake Louise, AB. In those days, I was a devoted Molson Export drinker. But due to inter-provincial import/export laws, I couldn't get my beloved "Ex" out west. What was I going to drink?

There was Pilsner or "Pil", Kokanee, and of course Blue, Labatt's Black Ice, Black Label even. If beer wasn't your thing, you could always go for the Long Island Ice Tea or a Vodka Paralizer.

But for the more sophisticated beer drinker, there was Traditional Ale from Big Rock Brewery. Traditional, or "Trad", is an English-style brown ale and is one of their original of three beers. It's still a great beer that pairs well with sharp cheeses, stews, or on it's own.
Grab any one of their beers tonight and hoist one for a great Canadian craft beer pioneer, won't you?

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