Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The Ontario Macro vs. Micro system - explained, and how the big and little guys make beer, in GIF form

It's only been a little over five months since I've posted here. I can't blame you if you've lost interest - you've probably moved on, and I get that. But I want to make it up to you. I promise I'll do better. I won't disappear for so long again, at least without an explanation or a note to say I'm okay.

Okay, now that we've gotten that out of the way, truth be told I've been busy. Brewing, tours for BrewDonkey, of course family life takes a lot of my time (and their patience and understanding with me). There are other things happening that I'll one day share here as well.

But enough fore-play.

Two great articles peaked my reading interest on Twitter today. One was called Bud vs. Microbrew: How Beer is made (in GIFs!)

Why should you read it? Because in a very concise and clear way, and without passing judgement, it shows the reader some very big differences between how a macro brewer like Anheuser-Busch and a microbrewer like Perennial Artisan Ales brew beer.

The other article courtesy of The Windsor Star, I found very interesting and timely as well. It talks about The Beer Store - it's history, ownership and control of the beer market, and the struggles Ontario Craft Brewers face trying to get in front of consumers.

As a homebrewer and a part-time tour guide for BrewDonkey, I often get asked about the beer system in Ontario, how and why The Beer Store can have this 'monopoly' in the province. I find this article extremely well written and am more knowledgeable for it. I hope you do to - it's worth the read.

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