It's down to mere hours now until I board Air Canada from Ottawa to Vancouver, with a slight detour in Edmontontown, and start my 16 day adventure as one of the 25,000 volunteers in the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games.
The bags are packed (over packed, most likely), my travel documents, maps, emails, directions are all secured uin a blue plastic folder, my work slate has been cleared. So what's left?
The thank you's.
I'll try not to make this sound like an Oscar speech.
Without these people, my journey would not be possible.
1- My parents and my aunts - your keen interest, your worry, your promise and offer to take care of my family while I'm gone, and your support. Thank you.
2- My boss/co-workers - again, your support has been tremendous and your excitement is infectious. I promise to be your eyes and ears in the field. Also, Dana, for your most generous offer by opening your home to me. You have no idea how many grey hairs you prevented!
3- My children - because you don't yet understand that daddy will be gone for the longest period in your short lives, I don't have to deal with your sadness (or joy?) and tears - yet! But know that you will be in my heart and my thoughts every single day, and as you grow older, I will regale my tales of the Winter Olympics to you as you nod off to sleep :)
4- My wife - when all is said and done, I wouldn't be typing these words if it weren't for you. I want you to understand that this is more than a sporting event for me, a trip out west, an excuse not to change diapers for two weeks. I want you to know that for 16 days, I will meet people from around the world, work with people from all walks of life, from all parts of the globe, sharing the same passion as I do. I want you to know that for 16 days, all of the long hours, wet weather, constant smiling and being ON for "The Games", I will be missing you. I want you to know that when I come home, I will be a richer person for the experience, that I will be a better husband, a more humble father, and that no matter the time and distance that will be between us, you will always be in my heart each minute of each day. Thank you for your unconditional love, your undying support, and your willingness to go completely insane so that I can be a small part of history.
Tomorrow will be very hectic and very exciting. I'm hoping (praying) for a smooth flight, no lost luggage, easy commuting, friendly people, and nice weather. I'll sit back, watch the opening ceremonies, get a good night's sleep, and come Saturday morning, welcome the World!
And you are on your way my litte adventurer!! As I type your plane is probably preparing for take-off. Enjoy the inflight movies and I hope you get fed some crappy airline food during your long flight.
I want you to have a great time but we (I) will miss you terribly. The bed will be too big without you.
Love you tons!
have the most fantastic time EVER! Frig your post brought tears to my eyes and I don't care two shakes about the Olympics but your post made me think I might. I'll watch the Hockey finals....
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