Okay, sorry about the delay, but if my little girl can be late, then I should be afforded a bit of latitude, yes?
Here's a quick breakdown of how our little princess came to the world:
Saturday, May 17 - induction at around 4 p.m. - go home, come back in 12 hours
Sunday, May 18 - 2:30 a.m. - Lisa, contractions, uncomfortable, let's go to Montford. Marc - "hey, feel the difference between these quarters!" Lisa - "What? Quarters? Jesus man, we need to go NOW."
Sunday, May18 - 5:00 a.m. - Doctor - "Looks like you're having good labour. We are going to transfer you now." No room at the Inn, as they say. Lisa gets first ride in an ambulance. Unbeknown to me, Lisa and I share a view of a beautiful sunrise on way to Queensway-Carleton Hospital.
Sunday, May 18 - 8:00 a.m. - Nurse - "Mr. Plante, you might want to call your mother-in-law if you want her here for the birth. It's gonna happen real soon."
Sunday, May 18 - 9:00 a.m. - Things start hoppin'. Time for everyone to pee, wash up, get ready. I apparently sleep through most of this, including the first visit by the birthing doctor, who kindly introduced himself to me later. "Hi, I'm Dr. Basheer. I was here earlier, but you were sleeping." What a nice man...
Sunday, May 18 - 10:00 a.m - Nurse - "Okay, get ready. This baby is coming." 10:10 a.m - Lisa, lets get those legs up and start pushing. 10:15 a.m. - I'm exhausted from all the pushing!
Sunday, May 18 - 10:30 a.m. - Baby girl Plante arrives. She's HUGE! Okay, she's a bit large. 9 lbs even, 21 cm long, everything intact. It was a pretty easy delivery...for me, anyway ;)
Later that day, we get wheeled down to the mat ward, nice private room, very attentive staff, visitors come, all is good, everyone very happy and healthy. Lisa once again amazed me, as do all women who can carry a child and then go through such a grueling ordeal of birth. There is a reason why I have a penis.
So yes, the little bean went nameless for awhile, but only because we were pretty shocked and unprepared for a girl. We happily named her Marissa Caroline Plante, and her and mommy came home on the Tuesday. We're all getting adjusted nicely, Aiden is completely enamored with his little sister, and I love him more than I thought possible as I watch him flourish in his new role as big brother.
Now, if you wanted to know what we are in store for the next little while, here is a description of our Marissa, the Taurus baby:
Your Taurus Baby..
April 20 - May 20
Taurus babies are usually quiet and calm. They are pleasant characters, sometimes a little shy, and they dislike being the centre of attention but respond well to affection, showing a great deal of affection in return. Although outbursts are rare, a Taurus baby dislikes being opposed and can be stubborn about getting her own way. A young Taurus will work steadily at a task.
When raising a Taurus it is best not to try to force your child to do something. The danger is that your child will turn stubborn and Taureans can hold their ground for a long time. It is best to avoid harsh commands, instead loving hugs will melt any resistance.
Young Taureans can charm all adults, especially those of the opposite sex. Shows of physical affection toward your child are essential, but take care not to smoother her. Taurus children are sensitive to their surroundings and they will thrive in harmonious settings of both colour and sound. Soft sounds and shades of pink and blue will be calming to your baby.
Both music and art will interest a Taurus child so you should encourage listening to melodious music, drawing and colouring. Once a Taurus has learnt something it will not be forgotten. It is important to encourage a Taurus child to express themselves through words, music or art because there will be a tendency to hide true feelings.
And yet more...
Parents of a Taurus tot are going to have to be very aware of this baby's need to be touched. Loving caresses and a tender touch are what the Taurus baby lives for! Along those lines, this is a child who needs to be comfortable. Things to keep in mind are providing a room and bed that are neither too hot nor too cold, food that is tasty (a budding gourmand has arrived!), soothing sounds, and whimsical toys. As Taurus rules the Second House, the House of Possessions, this baby's playthings will be very important. When it comes to the learning curve, the Taurus baby is not in a hurry to grasp new concepts. This tot will learn things at their own pace and be unresponsive to pressure, yet persevering in the end. In light of this, a gentle manner to get this baby to react and respond is the sensible course of action. Also familial in nature, the Taurus baby will enjoy having the family in close proximity, especially siblings. You can consider this baby a people person in general, as they are also likely to control the play circle where that well-known Taurean stubbornness will reveal itself! To sum up, the Taurus baby wants to be touched, will revel in delicious toys, and as an Earth Sign, will want to have both feet firmly planted on the ground!
So there you have it, for now. I am a very lucky man with the millionaire family, and I couldn't feel anymore enriched!
oH Jesus man, she is beautiful.
Congratulations again, you two. Aiden probably surprised you big time didn't he? (When Olivia first met Bronwyn, I almost was sick about how much LOVE LOVE LOVE I felt for her. Yeah, the old kid! Not even the new kid! It gives you appreciation tenfold for the first child.)
I hope you all are resting as much as you can and enjoying little Marissa. Don't forget to pamper Lisa!! Lots of tea, magazines, foot rubs. Kick it up a notch man!
Congratulations on that gorgeous little girl!!!! My goodness and a Taurus to boot! Love those Taurus. My beloved daughter is a stubborn Scorpio and my son an angelic Gemini. I am a creature of pure goodness being a Sagittarius and my husband is an exasperating Libra. There, more than you wanted to know..LOL.
Seriously, that is one beautiful little girl.
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