It's amazing how the human psyche works, and how fragile our little minds operate. I believe most of us are one or two synapses away from total insanity, or at minimum, a complete mental breakdown. If I were to use a simile for life, and in this case, I will opt for one instead of a metaphor, life is like a roller coaster. The highs are high, the lows are low, the ride itself is scary, exhilarating, shit your pants fun, or absolute terror. You'll either want to get off or want to go again and again. At the end of the day, most of us would like to look back and say "shit, that was a damn good ride. Let's do it again."
First, let me make something very clear - I LOVE ROLLER COASTERS! If I were to measure my life to date, I'd say I've had a good share of my peaks and valleys, and I know damn well there's plenty more on the horizon. I won't shirk them in any way - in fact, the older I get, the more I embrace the low ends, knowing that for every dip, there's a steep climb out, a fast turn of the corner, and off again to another highlight.
Lately, despite hitting a valley right after the holidays, I knew I was beginning another ascent in my life. This one seems to be a longer ride up, and I'm not complaining one bit. I just hope the drop on the other side isn't so deep!
So getting back to my original point - I believe there are a ton of mitigating factors as to why we don't all fall off the deep end. The saying "that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger" is so overused, but couldn't be more true. Life is but a series of little tests that either strengthen our resolve or weaken us to vegetable soup. It's how we choose to surround ourselves with things that make us happy, that helps us cope with the hiccups of human existence.
I consider myself very lucky. And if life were an amusement park, consider me a season pass holder.
Okay, that's my cerebral post for the year. Next up, what's up with the Sens????
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