Friday, March 07, 2008

The Never-ending Winter of Content

Hi! Okay, it's been awhile...a very looong while, but who has time to blog? Well, I do. Today anyway. Maybe tomorrow. I'll try to be more diligent.
My wife, Lisa, has started to blog. I'm going to wait until she populates it more (and until she gives me the green light) and then I'll link to it. But I wish her well. It'll be a nice way to document not only Baby Numero Deux, but our ever-growing family and the roller coaster ride that seems to be our life.

Oh, and by the way, can I tell you how FRIGGIN' awesome this winter has been so far? This, on the eve of yet another snow storm to hit the Ottawa area. For those of you pining away, waiting for Spring, tough crap! It ain't happing till May 24 weekend! Go blame it on a groundhog or something. Me? I'm skiing till my birthday, baby :)

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