Wednesday, May 26, 2010

40 Beers to Celebrate 40 Years! Day 22

Beer: Edelweiss
Type: Wheat beer
Region: Austria
Rating: Novice

Ski season may be over, but Edelweiss still plays a big part of my weekends. No, not ski patrol, but a really cool beer that shares the same name as my area ski hill. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Edelweiss Snow Fresh Alpine Herbed Wheat Beer!

Pours a nice hazy straw-grass colour with a light frothy head. Subtle floral scents and fairly light on the palate. No bitterness. Has that citrus taste associated with most wheat beers as it goes down. Not overly carbonated, and very refreshing. I wish I had picked up more than just one bottle.

If you've never had a wheat, and are willing to venture into these types of beer, this is a very nice summer brew that will not disappoint.

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