Wednesday, May 26, 2010

40 Beers to Celebrate 40 Years! Day 19

Beer: Ochakovo
Type: Lager
Region: Moscow, Russia
Rating: Novice

Dobry den!

Tonight was a little culinary united nations of food and drink - lebanese food, mexican hot sauce, and Russian beer. And I have to say...a mouth-watering masterpiece by ME.

So, let's talk about the beer, shall we?

It's the first time I've had a Russian beer, so I was anxious for this Lager, and I knew that I needed something a little lighter than an ale or stout. Ochakovo delivered. First, it has a cool pull/pop tab, and once again, I scored on the 500ml bottle.

I asked my wife to describe the colour - she said it looked like your pee when you're dehydrated. But since that doesn't sound very appealing, lets say it has a bright sunflower yellow colour, a faint malt scent on the white frothy head, and a slight hop aftertaste.
At 4.5% alc, it's comparable to some American Lagers, but without the cool tab. It's a safe beer to venture towards if you are a mainstream beer drinker, but it can be a few steps down the rung if you're used to more sophisticated micros.

May not be the best Russia can offer, but here in Canada, we're used to anything Russian coming in less than third place!

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