Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm the lucky Loonie (or looney). Day Four, another Gold on Cypress.

I'm starting to think there's some magic in my tired bones. Both times I've watched the medal race, both times Canada wins gold. And when Mike Robertson won Silver, where was I? Down below, NOT watching. So, there you have it. The secret to Canada's success is me!

But honestly, what a great win for such a nice, cute, humble Canadian girl. Way to go Maelle.

The day for me started very wet. The bus up to Cypress climbed into fog/clouds, where it would delay the ladies' snowcross for over two hours. Up at the Grandstand where I was, constant drizzle poured over my plastic poncho, dripping endlessly over my water-resistent (not proof) boots.

Three pairs of socks later, the sun came out and I was deployed in the stands, where I was able to not only witness a golden run, but once again feel the excitment with the other spectators. There really is no feeling like it.

Celebrity sighting of the day? GG Michaelle Jean.

Right after the win, I phoned home where I got to talk to Lisa, and found out that her, Marissa, and Aiden watched the race as well. In Aiden's words, it was "Frickin' awesome".

Some funny/odd/interesting little things that happen in my world or that I observe lately:

- Bulgarian men get very upset when you ask to see their accreditation. And they are BIG men!

- It's wet, cold, and foggy, but still, Canadians will buy four $10 cans of beer and can party like no other country

- Quatchi, the big hairy mascot of the three we have at the Games, has become my arch enemy. My friend Matt said Quatchi is a bitch. Therefore, Quatchi means bitch.
"Dude, I'm soaking wet. My feet hurt. I want to go home."
"Johnny, stop being such a Quatchi."

- When I walk downtown Van to my bus stop with my blue jacket on, EVERYONE thinks you have the answers. Sometimes I do, but most times I make it up. (kidding)

- You CAN take public transit and strike up a perfectly normal conversation with complete strangers. It makes the trip go by so much quicker, and you meet really interesting people.

- Regardless of what you read or hear in the media, these Olympic Games are going great! Yes, tickets were cancelled, people were pissed, but spectators also avoided injury and the ones that were there had the time of their lives. No, VANOC cannot control weather, especially in February. Yes, we tried being Green, but sometimes old methods work best. A Zamboni will never let you down. Yes, an athlete died before the Games even began, but no, there was nothing that could have prevented it. No Olympic Games has ever gone off without a hitch, no, Vancouver 2010 isn't perfect, yes, they are working out the kinks, yes, Canadians are the most friendliest, helpful, caring, and passionate people in the world.

- The Canadian Heritage Minister needs to butt out and keep his mouth shut. He's acting like a little Quatchi.

Tomorrow, one of the biggest events to date at Cypress - Halfpipe!


Campy said...

OMG you are too funny. Have a great time in Whistler! Tell that Quatchi next time where to go! I watched Maelle's run when they re-ran it...that shit is crazy!

Unknown said...

My dear son you have the most wonderful sense of humour and a way with words. I am reading your blog and having a good laugh. You should submit them to the local paper when you get home. We were watching and yelling like crazy.xxoo