Tuesday, August 04, 2009

My 8th year wedding anniversary is a lie...

...because it doesn't reflect how long Lisa and I have truly been together, let alone what we've lived through. Yes, we got married in 2003, the summer after I graduated from college. However, our journey in life didn't get off the ground until 1989, when I began my Jumbo Video stalking career of redheads. It was in this year that I saw a tall, skinny, beautiful redhead, working behind the counter checking out Hollywood hits and back-door suburban porn.

Today, as we celebrate our 8th wedding anniversay driving towards Niagara Falls with our six and one year old children in tow, I'm left wondering.........what in the hell did I do in this life to deserve any of this??? The last few days, as I sat across my wife, son and daughter, I would ask myself this question. I would think, "I wonder if my parents thought the same thing?" as they drove to Florida, ate dinner, brought us to school, etc. Of course they did! Any parent with a conscience and a heart would have. You can't predict the feeling or the moment - it just comes to you. The awakening occurs when you look across the table and see yourself in the past. You want to know the secret to the fountain of youth? Have children!

When I explain to Aiden, my very intuitive six-year-old, how he came to be, my wife and I always say "because God wanted us to have you".

Without getting into a religious debate, my explaination behind this non-scientific theory is that - why else would I be so blessed as to have two healthy, happy, beautiful children? Was it the loonie I put in the homeless guy's hat? The chocolate's I sold door-to-door when I was 10? No. There really isn't an explaination, except that I met the right person at the right time, that together, we would create two young people that, covered in spaghetti sauce, chocolate, cookies, ice cream, and god-knows-what, the ones sitting across from us at the dinner table are the reasons why we came to be husband and wife on the dock at the Glen House on a very hot, summer August day, surrounded by our best friends and family.

They are the reflection of what was, what is, and what can be. For that, I am grateful, not to God, Allah, the sun, moon and stars, but to my wife, my best friend, and my soulmate. Thank you Lisa, for being my best friend, for always being there, and for being my biggest fan. My ego is only as big as you let it:)

I love you!


Lisa said...

Happy Anniversary to you baby! Beautiful post and so true. We are more blessed than I ever thought we would be or than we deserve. Now, onward to Marineland...love you so much. xo

Gill said...

Oh guys, you are both so incredible. Two of the most endearing, happy, friendly, warm loving people I've EVER met.
Lisa you complete me. :)
Marc, you are so funny :)
I love you both, Happy Anniversary!!!
Hard to believe that eight years ago we wined and dined in that gorgeous resort for your wedding celebration.
It was magic, from our perspective. We'll never forget it.

Gill said...

Well if you hadn't married her, I might have. Well no, but we'd be old bingo bitches togethah.
Oh Marc, you funny bartendah. You lucked out didn'tcha?
I just sent Lis some big ups, some props, some LOVE.
Hope you treated her right on her birthday, that you made sure she had not only a macaroni necklace on her neck, but perhaps something that lasts like the love of a dear husband.
You guys make me damn weep when I remember you wedding! I only hope mine is as glorious and you both BETTER COME!! My wedding is soon.
Like, maybe next summer.
We need to work on the date.
But when we have one, you'll know!!!
You and Lis have front row seats to witness da love.
p.s. I thank GOD for you both.
Though there is distance, we still friends...yes Corey? Lmfao~!!!!
p.s.s. post again! more Coldplay videos, anything! you like Metric?
Help I'm Alive!!!!

Gill said...

Get posting you. Seriously. You must have something to say. Let's hear it.

Gill said...

okay at least update your links
i'm now at
