Tiny bags of pretzels with a little airplane on them, free cups of juice (orange or apple), fuzzy heads, stuffed up sinuses. ColdFX, you came a day too late.
Sometimes, can't remember what day it is. November limps into December, all of a sudden the holidays loom. Lights! Lights! Patterns can't be this confusing, can it?
There's so much to do, and nobody suggests an 8-day week - that would be a welcome addition, even for a little while.
My head hurts, eyes feel like giant frozen grapes ready to slide out of their sockets.
Winter quickly approaches, and I'm caught off-guard. Car floor mats, where are my damn boots? Need to find a jacket.
Santa Clause is coming to town, but so is the Garlic King. Funny how a shwarma slingin' entrepreneur makes everything right again.
Kings of Leon, Lanois, Jose Gonzalez, Gang Gang Dance, Yeah Yeah Yeahs - these are the last five things you heard.
I need more time....but I know the ship will right itself, eventually. After all, Obama's driving, isn't he?
1 comment:
Yes, so chill bro. Chill.
You know, Obama's got the Magic Power of the Music in him.
He's young, he's wild, and he's free baby.
Hope you feel better soon, and get oriented to our latest greatest season of "hiver". Missing an "S".
Should be called, S'HIVER.
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