Thursday, April 24, 2008

Now THAT'S Annoying!!!

Today I've decided to share a few things with you on what I find annoying. Some of these are little things, some specific to my daily life, and some that you may encounter day-to-day. For your sake, I hope not, but that's for you to decide. No numbering - that would indicate the level of annoyance. I've opted for bullets instead, which can be annoying to some - but I digress.
  • The Blackberry - Oh, where do I begin???? No, I don't own one, otherwise, I would be singing it's praises. My hate-relationship with this little gem of technology stems from three things in particular - those who check it repeatedly (who the hell gets that much email in the span of 5 minutes?), those that read and play with it during meetings, presentations, and conferences, and those that click and type while going to the bathroom. Yes, you read that correctly! If you're in the can dropping a deuce, apparently playing with your RIM has replaced reading the newspaper, glazing over the cleverly written stall graffiti repartee , or staring blankly at the floor. Seriously - is nothing sacred anymore?

  • Crotch or Ass - I may have stated this before, but I can't think of where. Regardless, if you take public transit as I do, you will know what I'm referring to. You are the lucky stiff who is at the beginning of the route. You, by default, get the seat. You, fortunately or unfortunately, get stuck in the 'aisle' side, and therefore, get accustomed to some stranger's crotch or ass. Sadly for you, no choice is given to who's ass or crotch will be inches away from your face, and chances are you won't like what's presented to you. If you are the standee, here' s a word of advice - face the front or back, side profile to those in the seats. Wear deodorant, and no matter how 'silent' you think that fart will be, we can still SMELL you!

  • "That Being Said..." - please......Stop using this phrase!!! When the hell did it enter the vocabulary? It is the most overused, overexposed, and misplaced phrases in history. Now, with that being said, it does have it's place if used correctly.

  • Sock lint. Am I the only person who suffers from this? No matter how often I launder my socks (black cotton), at the end of the day (another misused and equally annoying phrase) there inevitably will be lint stuck between my toes. "Why is this annoying Marc? ", you may be saying. Well, I'd be happy to share - because, said lint eventually makes it's way onto the light beige carpet. By the end of the week, I have a virtual black lint trail leading from the bathroom to my side of the bed. There, no more explanation.
Obviously, I've only scratched the surface, knowing full well there will be more I'd wished I'd added, but c'est la vie, non?



Gill said...

That being said,
I'm going to face backward on the bus, while I check my Blackberry, and contemplate my navel fuzz.

Oops, I mean sock lint.
Sorry Marc, I didn't mean to do all those annoying things. Tee hee!!! (baby finger to lip, Dr.Evil style.)

Campy said...

Marc don’t forget your belly button lint too…where does that come from and how come you are the only one I know who gets that?

Also one phrase other then “that being said” is “irregardless”…well not so much a phrase as BAD GRAMMAR…since irregardless does not exit. It's REGARDLESS people!!!!…there is another one that is really annoying that all “manager types” use but it escapes me right now……

Oh now I remember it's the phrase "going forward" overused. All those government types use that.