Monday, October 29, 2007

Hey Fatboy, Gonna Make You Smile

Do yourself a favour if ever in St. John's. Create for yourself a competition to find the best fish, chips, dressing and gravy in St. John's/Avalon Peninsula.
My clear winner is Leo's, on Freshwater Rd., St. John's. It may not be the prettiest, but hey, you're not there for the freakin' ambience! I tried five different places, ranging from Holy Rood, Trepassey, Goulds, St. John's, and Cape Broyle.
After kick-starting my heart several times, this little dish still makes my mouth water.
What makes it the best, in my opinion, is not only the quality of the cod, but the light and delicious batter, the chip wagon-quality fries, beefy but not overpowering gravy, and the best damn dressing I've ever had!
And yes, wash EVERYTHING down with a nice cold beer. I really like the mix 6 collection from the Quidi Vidi brewery.

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